Dental Discounts

Dental powered by Aetna Dental Access®

To locate a provider, click here.

Smile brighter with big savings at over 300,000* available dental practice locations nationwide. Use your card over and over again to keep your teeth sparkling clean!
  • In most instances, save 15% to 50% per visit**
  • Save on dental services such as cleanings, X-rays, crowns, root canals and fillings
  • Need specialty dental care? Save on orthodontics and periodontics, too! 
  • Show your card with the Aetna Dental Access® logo and pay the discounted price at checkout

*As of February 2025. **Actual costs and savings vary by provider, service and geographical area.


Savings Examples

Procedure Average Cost* Average Cost with Aetna Dental Access* Member Savings
Periodic Oral Exam $64 $38 $26
Comprehensive Oral Exam $104 $62 $42
X-Ray, Intraoral–Complete Series Including Bitewing $165 $99 $66
X-Ray, Bitewings– Four Films $76 $46 $30
X-Ray Panoramic Film $134 $80 $54
Cleaning (Prophylaxis)–Adult $111 $67 $44
Cleaning (Prophylaxis)–Child $86 $52 $34
 Fluoride Application
$45 $27 $18
Sealant Per Tooth $67 $40 $27
Filling– 1 Surface Resin (White) Filling, Front (Anterior) Tooth
$191 $115 $76
Crown- Porcelain Fused to High Nobel Metal (i.e. gold) $1,284 $770 $514
Restorative Crown- Porcelain Fused to Nobel Metal $1,199 $719 $480
Root Canal Front Tooth (Anterior) Excluding Final Restoration $951 $571 $380
Root Canal Premolar Tooth (Bicuspid), Excluding Final Restoration $1,084 $650 $434
Root Canal Molar, Excluding Final Restoration $1,350 $810 $540
Osseous Surgery, Four Or More Contiguous Teeth - Modifies Bony Support of Teeth $1,477 $886 $591
Scaling/Root Planing Four or More Contiguous Teeth $289 $173 $116
Periodontal Maintenance For Patients Who Have Been Previously Treated For Periodontal Disease. $170 $102 $68
Complete Upper Denture (Maxillary) $1,616 $970 $646
Extraction of Erupted Tooth or Exposed Root - Includes Local Anesthesia and Suturing If Needed $200 $120 $80
General Anesthesia $241 $145 $96
IV Sedation/Analgesia $211 $127 $84
Occlusal Guard – Hard Appliance, Full Arch $613 $368 $245

*Actual costs and savings may vary by provider, service and geographic location. We use the average of negotiated fees from participating providers to determine the average costs, as shown on the chart. 1 The select regional average cost represents the average fees for the procedures listed above in Los Angeles, Orlando, Chicago and New York City, as displayed in the cost of care tool as of February 2024.


Dental powered by Aetna Dental Access® FAQ

Can I receive a discount at any dental office?
You must go to a participating provider in order to receive your discount. Find participating providers in the app or online, or call Member Support Monday to Friday, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm and Saturday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Central Time for questions or help locating a provider.

How many times can I use the Dental benefit?
There is no limit to the amount of times this benefit can be used.

What if my dentist is not a participating provider?
Recommend a Provider through the app, online or by calling Member Support. Submit the provider’s information, and Aetna will contact the provider about joining the network.


“I usually dread the dentist, but this time I walked away happy. I used my dental discount and saved $44 on my cleaning, $27 off fluoride, and $30 off my oral evaluation. That’s a total of $101 savings, or 51%! I’m so impressed with this savings and will continue to use my dental discount every time I visit the dentist.”

Kendall M., TX

“I went to a dentist in the dental network and asked what needed to be done. I have some very large, old fillings. My previous dentist told me I would need to have the teeth crowned. The network dentist, knowing I did not have insurance but did have the discount dental plan, said the crowns were one option and replacing the fillings was another. Had I chosen the crowns, my cost without insurance or the card would have been $750 per crown. With the dental plan, the same crowns would have been $496, a savings of over $250 on each crown. As it was, I wound up paying $142 for two fillings instead of $180, for a savings of $38. I was very pleased.”

Greg J., CA

”I recently added the discount card as an employee benefit for my staff. I had immediate positive feedback and used my own card with great results. My receptionist saved $780 when she found her orthodontist was in network and I personally saved $104 when I bought two pairs of Serengeti sunglasses for my Caribbean honeymoon!”

John M., TX

“Two weeks after receiving my discount card I had a dental emergency. With the discount card, I was able to locate a dental provider very near to my office. The emergency I experienced required I have one tooth capped and another one filled. The discount card saved me $200.” 

Wood S., CA

“In June, my wife went to the dentist and needed to have work done on her teeth-- the total cost would be somewhere in the neighborhood of $8,000. I then went back to the billing office and showed them my card and the bill was reduced to about $1,600. I do not view it as being better than insurance, but I do think it is a tremendous help when insurance is not able to help.”

Daniel G., TX

“We saved $1,042, which is 25% off, on the cost of our daughter’s braces at a major chain. WOW!”

Carolyn H., TX

“I called my son's Orthodontist after verifying he was a participant and saved an additional $700 on his braces”

Karen C., CT

“I just went for my 6 month check-up at the dentist. On the way over, I remembered my discount card and wondered if it would save me any money on my cleaning and X-rays. When I got there, I gave the receptionist my card and told them I knew it wasn’t insurance but didn’t know if it was of any benefit. She said it couldn’t hurt to check. My X-rays and check-up cost me approximately $85 less by using the card. I was so happy to learn that! THANK YOU SO MUCH.”

John W., TX

“My husband went to the dentist today to have a root canal done. It would have been $575, but with his discount we paid $400… that’s a good deal! Thanks!”


“I was pleasantly surprised when the wife used the discount card. She saved almost $500 on a couple of dental procedures which included two crowns and X-rays. We saved more than 25%!”


Dental Benefit is not available to VT residents.

The discount program provides access to the Aetna Dental Access® network, which is administered by Aetna Life Insurance Company (ALIC). ALIC does not offer or administer the discount program, and is not an affiliate, agent or principal of the discount program. Dental providers are independent contractors and not employees or agents of ALIC. ALIC does not provide dental care or treatment and is not responsible for outcomes.


Not A Member Yet? Signup Here

This program is NOT insurance coverage and does not meet the minimum creditable coverage requirements under the Affordable Care Act or Massachusetts M.G.L. c. 111M and 956 CMR 5.00. This program is provided at no cost as part of the association membership. This program provides discounts only at the offices of contracted health care providers, and each member is obligated to pay the discounted medical charges in full at the point of service. The range of discounts for medical or ancillary services provided under the plan will vary depending on the type of provider and medical or ancillary service received. For Terms and Conditions, click here. Discount Plan Organization: New Benefits, Ltd., Attn: Compliance Department, PO Box 803475, Dallas, TX 75380-3475, 800-800-7616. Customer Service: 855.SURE-MED.

Discount benefits not available to residents of VT and WA

Dental Benefit is not available to VT residents.

The discount program provides access to the Aetna Dental Access® network, which is administered by Aetna Life Insurance Company (ALIC). ALIC does not offer or administer the discount program, and is not an affiliate, agent or principal of the discount program. Dental providers are independent contractors and not employees or agents of ALIC. ALIC does not provide dental care or treatment and is not responsible for outcomes.